We offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re 6, 106 or somewhere in-between, the London Club is sure to have a league suitable for you.
Daily Open (Weekday Pay/Game)
This is a social (non-competitive) open league. Enter as an individual.. Play as little or as often as you wish. Teams are made up each day just prior to going on the ice.
This league uses a paid Game Card system. Game Cards can be purchased through the office. (10 games for $70 plus hst)
When you show up to play, present your card to the drawmaster who will check off one game. When your card is exhausted simply buy another.
Monday - 10 AM
Tuesday - 10 AM
Wednesday - 12: 15 PM
Friday - 12 PM
- Gary Peters
Monday Daytime Men's
This is a competitive daytime Men's league. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. Games are played on Monday at 12:30 PM.
- Ken Teasdale
This is a competitive Men's league. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. Draws are on Monday evenings. The league is named in honour of the late Russ Miller, a long time member of the London Curling Club and two-time Ontario Silver Tankard Champion (1948 and 1954).
- Blaine Chronik
Women's Daytime Social (Tuesday)
This is a social (non-competitive) Women's league. The season consists of 3 rounds, each round being 6 or 7 weeks in length. New teams are created for each round. Teams will be determined by a blind draw, endeavouring to place curlers in their desired positions. The league provides curlers of all skill levels the opportunity to curl and meet new friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Games are played on Tuesday at 1:00 PM.
- Liz Oehm
Thompson Social
This is a social (non-competitive) mixed/open league. Anyone may join. Both individual and team entries of all skill levels are welcome. Teams will play together for the whole year. Games are played on Tuesday evenings.
- Kevin Bublitz
- Bilal Khan
True North Rockers
This is a social (non-competitive) Mixed/Open league. It provides a much needed "next step" for Learn to Curl members who are ready to move on, but anyone may join. Enter as an individual. Curlers will be assigned a position based on skill and experience. New teams are made up for each of the four rounds during the season. Teams can have any mix of men and women, playing any position. Games are played on Thursday evenings.
- Peter Fewster
Wednesday Daytime Social
Members of this Open league have a competitive spirit with the primary objective of having a fun game. Our group enjoys the social hour following the game. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. As an Open league, teams may consist of any combination of men and/or women. Games are played Wednesday afternoon.
- Dawn Lewis
- Stacey Farley
Wednesday Evening Open
This is both a social and competitive Open league, with two flights. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. As an Open league, teams may consist of any combination of men and/or women. Games are played Wednesday evenings and rotate between 6:00 and 8:15.
- Bob McKinley
Rolling Stones
This is a social Men's league, although the season winner participates in the Club Playdowns. The Rolling Stones league is associated with sister leagues in Montreal and Toronto. Enter as an individual. Teams are drafted each year by the Skips. Teams will play together for the whole year. Games are played Tuesday evenings.
- Gary Van Boxmeer
- Rod Lawrence
Women's Daytime Social (Thursday)
This is a social (non-competitive) Women's league. The season consists of 3 rounds, each round being 6 or 7 weeks in length. New teams are created for each round. Teams will be determined by a blind draw, endeavouring to place curlers in their desired positions. The league provides curlers of all skill levels the opportunity to curl and meet new friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Games are played on Thursday at 9:15 AM.
- Sandy Ronson
This is a competitive daytime Men's league. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. Games are played on Thursdays at mid-day. The league is named after the late Butch Teasdale who was a long-time member, and past President of the London Curling Club.
- Bob Kerwin
Business Women
This is both a social and competitive Women's league. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. Games are played on Thursday evenings.
- Lisa Flesher
Learn To Curl
This fun Monday evening program is geared towards new curlers or those returning to the sport. Curlers receive coaching and instruction every week. In the end participants will be able to curl safely, effectively and feel confident as recreational curlers. The program begins with the basic skills, rules and etiquette and progresses to game play and strategy. Session times are 2 hours in length.
- Dan and Melissa Neeb
Women's Daytime Friday Teams
This is a competitive Women’s League with the winning Team having the opportunity to compete for the Club Championship. As a Competitive League we abide by the LCC Policy for Competitive Leagues. Though competitive, this is a very social league with teams of all abilities and levels. Team entry is preferred as Teams play together for the whole season. Individual entries will be accommodated when possible. Games are played on Friday mornings at 9:30 AM.
- Candis Middleton
- Gillian Baranowsky
Friday Mixed
This is both a social and competitive Mixed league. Team entry is preferred and we follow the Mixed format of teams with 2 males and 2 females alternating positions. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. There are two flights and two draws. Spares must follow the Mixed format. At least two of the team's permanent members must be present in order for a game to count. A team may play with three players but genders must alternate positions. Based on the total number of teams joining the league and win/loss record, teams may or may not move between flights. Games are played on Friday evenings.
- Barb Moore
Thames Valley
This is both a social and competitive Men's league. Team entry is preferred. Individual entries will be accommodated if possible. Teams will play together for the whole year. Games are played on Sunday morning.
- Mike Ramsay
- Mike Ernewein
Western Mixed
The Western Mixed Curling League is a social club geared to Western students but open to anyone. This league provides members of all skill levels the opportunity to curl and meet new friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Note that Western students are encouraged to register through the campus recreation website, not through LCC.
- John Mitchell
- Nicholas Pascucci
Sunday Night Open (Individual Entry)
This is a social (non-competitive) Mixed/Open league. Enter as an individual and you will be placed on a team. (No team entries). Teams will play together for the whole year. The league provides curlers of all skill levels the opportunity to curl and meet new friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Couples are welcome but are encouraged to play on different teams. Games are played on Sunday at 6:30 PM.
- Dave King
U12 Youth Introduction to Curling (New Member Sign-Up)
In the Youth Curling program at LCC, the emphasis is on having fun while learning and improving skills. Our coaches will work with anyone, from beginners to those looking for more competitive challenges. Ice time starts at 11:30 on Sunday and depending on the curler's skill level can range from 1-1/2 to 3 hours in duration.
This program is for ages 9 to 12. We hold two 3-month sessions, from October to December then again from January to March. This fee is for one 3-month session.
Select this option if you are signing up for the first time this season.
- Kim Randell
U15 / U18 Junior Curling
The U15 / U18 junior curling program is for ages 13 to 18.
This program is held at the same time every Sunday. Ice time starts mid-day on Sundays and depending on the curler's skill level can range from 1-1/2 to 3 hours in duration.
Our coaches will work with anyone, from beginners to those who are ready for more competitive challenges. The focus is on learning and improving skills. Curlers in this program will have opportunities to play games and travel for competitive and non-competitive competitions.
- Tony Francolini
Saturday Nite Rocks
NEW for 2024!
This will be a FUN and EXCITING league for new and experienced curlers.
The league will be open to both members (added fee of $39) and non-members (cost is $150 per person for 6 weeks)
Make up a team or join as a single/couple and we will put you on a team.
The league runs every Saturday Nite from November 9 to December 14 (6 weeks)
All games will be 6-ends in length and it really won't matter if you win or lose, just have fun!
Instruction (optional) will be provided the first week from 6:30 to 7:30
Games will be played from 7:30 to 9:00 pm
Stick around after the game for social time!
You can expect lots of MUSIC, LAUGHS and FUN!
CONVENER: Sherry Nichols