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Harassment Policy

Our Committment


LONDON CURLING CLUB is committed to providing an environment in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Harassment will not be tolerated from any person, including members, employees, volunteers, guests and members of the public, as applicable.


Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a person, that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment can include such things as verbal or physical abuse, threats, derogatory remarks, jokes, innuendo, or taunts about any of the prohibited grounds.


Sexual harassment means:

  1. engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a person because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, OR
  2. making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the individual and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.


The behaviour need not be intentional in order to be considered harassment but may be offensive and/or intimidating. Such action may also engender fear or mistrust, and thereby compromise an individual’s dignity or sense of self-worth. Any act of harassment committed by or against any employee, member, volunteer, client, guest or any other individual is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. Employees are expected to adhere to this policy and will be held responsible by the employer for not following it.


LONDON CURLING CLUB is committed to investigating reported incidents of harassment in a prompt, objective and sensitive manner, taking necessary corrective action and providing appropriate support for victims. No individual shall be penalized in any way for making a complaint or giving evidence in a harassment investigation.


Members, volunteers, employees and guests are encouraged to report any incidents of workplace harassment to the MANAGER or PRESIDENT of the LONDON CURLING CLUB. An investigation into the incident(s) will be undertaken immediately along with any additional steps necessary to resolve the problem. Information provided about an incident or about a complaint will not be disclosed except as necessary to protect workers, to investigate the complaint or incident, to take corrective action, or as otherwise required by law.


If anyone needs further assistance, he/she may contact THE PRESIDENT, LONDON CURLING CLUB.


Last Revised: August 2022

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London Curling Club

377 Lyle Street
London, Ontario, Canada
N5W 3R5



About The Club

The London Curling Club is situated in the heart of London, Ontario, Canada, a busy city with a population of over 423,000 located halfway between Toronto and Detroit. The club has six sheets of great curling ice, a recently renovated and air-conditioned lounge area, an upstairs lounge with a full kitchen, and plenty of parking.

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